Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Drew Talks To Me

brought to you by,
Yours Truly

Im a little starstruck, wandering where am I heading on this path. O.O I sound so emo. Whaturf. Okay, the big question is why does some people wanna trash you so so badly eventhough you have done nothing to harm them?

I miss Joanna.... :(

Anyhoo....I miss alot of people in school and outside of school which I dontmeet often anymore. =.= whaturf. I really envy people that have such time and energy to blog so much. PEOPLE! ARE YOU EVEN READING MY BLOG. Cos I think its starting to stink. =.= zzZZZzzz... Who cares, Im here for your entertainment. So please do tell me if youre humoured =.=

Me is getting on your nerves ke tak? Lol. Okay Im heading off to have lunch with Chels now. SO....CYA.

tuning to: Kiss The Rain by Yiruma

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