Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Im so bored...I decided to test out how people in High School Musical did their shots for their cover. And I did it!! In the many attempts. Omgosh, people DONT TRY THIS AT HOME! * now i know how the cast of HSM feels*. During the course of jumping while shooting the photoshoot myself. It was hard because youre afraid it will either turn out too weird, fat, not like u got jump & BLUR.

But..finally after the many many FAILING attempts. I finally got this!!
Yeah yeah..its not exactly great or awesome or whatever. BUT at least I TRIED! hahaha..Okay people...I think you can tell me what you think about it.

WHEE!! Anyways, since these days school life is SO SO BORING. I decided to blog about two pictures I took of Chang, which I ransacked from the OLD OLD files Ive been keeping xp.
First Shot: Chang doing a shampoo advert in class. Looks like one :p
Great job!!

Ratings: 7/10
* for the modeling shot*

Congratulations Ming Chang. Youre still in the running of becoming Alpha's Next Top Model.
(male version)

And here is a shot of Chang pinning his hair up. Hahaha...he was so afraid that his hair got cut by the disciplined teachers. So did you guys enjoy? I hope you didnt xp
Cos somehow will cry if you do xp...hahaha

tee hee

tuning to: 1,2,3,4 by Plain White Ts

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